Tuesday, 08 January 2008

Ons is terug in die land van die lewendes... vol planne en jagser as ooit.

Jy kannie glo watse mense ons als die vakansie ontmoet het en saam mee gekuier het nie. Smaak my die wat nie op die duine gespyker het nie, het dit in die swembad gedoen. Maar dis 'n storie vir 'n ander keer...

Ons gaan van Maart maand af elke maand 'n pubcrawl reel op ons eie splinternuwe party bus.
So, as julle deel wil wees hiervan, sal julle ons moet begin raakdrink by die plekke, sodat ons met julle daaroor kan gesels. Voorstelle is ook welkom.

Ek weet julle ouens is al uitgehonger vir kanne, maar julle sal maar moet wag tot more, want ek kry nie my gat gedraai nie. Ek sal sommer so paar van die vakansie foto's ook opsit.

Aangesien die Babe van die week so lanklaas ge-update is, plaas ons hierdie week sommer 'n tweeling.

Daar is weer net ingelse grappe vandag...
Five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel: pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised
land. Five thousand years later, Sam Shilowa of COSATU said: Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, light a Camel, this IS the Promised Land.
Now the ANC has stolen your shovel, kicked your asses, raised the price of Camels and taken over the promised land.
Heaven is when you have: a British salary, an American home, Chinese food, a German car and a South African wife.
Hell is when you have: An American car, a British wife, a Chinese home, German food and a South African salary.
When the Swazi king passes away, his entire estate goes to his youngest widow, but she can't touch it 'til she's 11.
Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in South Africa to 32? It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools.
Did you hear about the new R3 million SA Lottery? The winner gets R3.00 a year for a million years.

Party toeriste sal ook enige kak aanvang...