Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Kersfees is om die draai... en my verlof ook.

Ek kan nie meer wag nie. Wat 'n plesier sal dit nie wees om 'n slag jou babbelas te kan af slaap in stede van die ding te moet saam sleep werk toe nie.

So van babbelas gepraat...
VRYDAG 12 Desember is dit Barbaroozos se 10 jaar birthday bash!!
Miskien is daar baie van hierdie tipe "scenery".

Three men, an Irish farmer, Jacob Zuma and a Boertjie are all granted a wish by a Genie.
Irish farmer wishes that all the land in Ireland will be the most fertile in the world, forever and ever. POOF, this was done in a flash and the Irish Farmer was very satisfied.
Zuma was next and very amazed and impressed at this display of power. He started his wish: "I want all the whites to be removed from Africa and a wall must be built around all of my black brothers and sisters to protect them. This wall must be so high and so strong that no whites can come into our land at all." POOF, this was done in a flash. A great wall surrounded Africa. Zuma glowed and glared at the Boertjie triumphantly.
Boertjie said: "Before I make my wish, tell me more about this wall"
Genie: "Its 5000ft high, 5000 bricks thick, nothing gets in, nothing gets out, guaranteed"
Boertjie lights up his pipe, smiled and said " Maak hom vol water Boet!"

...duidelik is hulle met kak aanjaag.

A housewife is at home when she suddenly hears a knock on the door. When she opens the door a man asks her if she has a vagina. The woman slams the door in disbelief at what a stranger has just asked her. The same thing happens for three consecutive days and the woman decides to tell her husband. The husband says to the wife, "Tomorrow I am not going to work, and when the man asks if you have a vagina, say 'yes' and I will be hiding behind the door." The next day the same man comes again, and when the woman opens the door he asks if she has a vagina. The woman says, "Yes". The man then said, "Good, then please tell your husband to stop doing my wife."


Tannie vang oom met 'n Playboy tydskrif:
''En wat is dit die?"
"Ag, ou vrou, dis soos 'n Getaway tydskrif,
'n mens sien die mooiste plekke waar jy nooit sal kom nie!"

Drunk bar patron standing at the urinal doing his thing.
Another guy walks in and starts doing the needed thing.
Drunk looks over and sees 3 streams... He asks what happened.
"An old war injury, a bullet did this, ever since being shot, I've pee'd with 3 streams" he repied as he zipped up and walked away.
Drunk is still busy when another guy starts, this time he counts 12 streams.
The drunk asks, "What happend to you?!?"
"I was in the war, a grenade did this to me" the guy replied as he went on his way.
Just before the drunk finishes up, another drunk guy comes in, all rattled and uncomfortable. The drunk peers over to the second drunk, counts 72 streams and asks: " WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND TO YOU IN THE WAR... how'd you get 72 streams?"
To which the second drunk replies: "NOTHING, I CAN'T GET THE ZIPPER OPEN......"

Kom ons kyk of ons die PERFEKTE ASS kan opspoor.... laat kom die foto's.
Stuur dit na

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