Friday, 12 October 2007

Net 'n klomp engelse grappe vandag
...want julle doners stuur mos nie meer Afrikaanse grappe in nie.

Ek is nie seker wat dit is nie, maar ek like die foto moerse baie. Stuur vir ons sulke foto's asb.

Die semi's is hier!!! Good luck aan die bokke. hulle moet nou net nie loop opfok soos die Aussies en Kiwi's nie.

Dis hoe jy Suid-Afrikaners uitken in Frankryk.

A doctor gave his blonde patient a packet of birth control pills. A week later, she returned and told him they were not working.
"What's wrong with them," the doctor asked?
"They keep falling out," She replied!
A man and a women are having sex in a dark forest.
After 15 minutes the man says, "It is darker then hell here. I wish I had a flashlight."
The woman said, "Yeah, so do I, as you have been eating grass for the last 10 minutes."
A man who had been dating a shy blonde for a short while decided it was time to have a conversation about sex.
"Ever think of having anal sex?" he asked.
"I could never," she said.
Disappointed, he said, "What a bout regular sex?"
"I couldn't. I need to be a virgin on my wedding night," she replied.
"Well, where do you stand on oral sex then?" he asked.
"I don't know why it matters but usually at the side of the bed. And I don't stand, I kneel"
A girl approaches a priest and says, "Quickie Father? Only 5 bucks."
The priest says, "No, thank you"
Anther girl comes up to him and says, "A quickie? Just 5 dollars."
He says, "No thanks."
When he gets back to the church he asks one of the nuns, "What is a quickie?"
The nun says, "Five dollars. The same as in town."

Oscar walks into the house and yells to his wife, "Honey i won another Big Dick contest!"
"My God! You pulled that big hairy thing out in front of a room full of strangers again?" she yells.
He says, "Nope, just enough to win."
A man goes to a therapist, "Doc, you have to help me. Evrey night my wife goes to Larry's Bar to pick up guys." Therapist says, "Just relax, take a deep breath and tell me where this Larry's Bar is."

Ek sien daar is mense wat duidelik nie verstaan nie en ook nie die goed FAQ's ( hier regs, bo aan die blog) gelees het nie. So laat ek net eers so paar vragies wat in my inbox geland het antwoord.

(v) Wat is in julle water dat die girls almal sulke groot boobs het?
(a) Wie de fok gee om...

(v) Hoekom het jy nog nie die foto's van my girlfriend geplaas nie?
(a) Fok ou, sy is HUGE... ek het nie genoeg plek op die server gehad nie.

(v) Dankie dat jy my meisie op die site gesit het, maar hoekom het jy my uit die foto gesny?
(a) Dis nie 'n pornsite nie, en jy het soos 'n doos gelyk.

(v) Waneer hou julle 'n Stokstyf Party?
(a) Vroeg in volgende jaar, MAAR ons sal die gaste self uitsoek en dit sal van die Vrydag aand tot Sondag oggend aanhou.

Die volgende wil ons nie daar hê nie:
- kakmakers, preutse mense, mense met issues

Die volgende wil ons wel daar hê nie:
- ouens en girls wat hard kan kuier

Nou wil jy seker weet hoe op die guestlist kom? Dis eenvoudig...
Mense wat ons raakgedrink het en waarvan ons hou sal genooi word. Mense wat bydraes tot die site lewer, sal ook oorweeg word. Dit beteken dat ons nie net 'n klomp locals daar gaan hê nie, maar mense van orals af.

Natuurlik as jy soos hierdie girl lyk, is jy meer as welkom. Anyway, wat dink julle van haar?

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