Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Kan jy glo...

Hierdie is regte waarskuwings op pakkies FL'e (kondome vir julle dom doners wat nie weet nie)
Purchase of this product does not guarantee opportunity to actually use
this product.

Improper attachment may create choking hazard.

DANGER: You *do* realize he's never going to call you after this, don't

We call it "large," but that's just to make you feel better, stud.

This product does not prevent beer-goggle regret.

"Ribbed" is in no respect meant to imply any guarantee that your particular
use of this object will actually result in "her pleasure."

Caution: Contents should not be mixed with alcohol and high school

The United States Government has recommended a Constitutional Amendment
banning use of this product by anyone who is single or under 18 years of

The baby you prevent with this prophylactic will forever jab your sinning
ass with pitchforks in Hell.

Only to be used in a locked and upright position.

Warning: May be used by pedophile circus clowns to make balloon French

Using this condom for same-sex acts is inconsistent with U.S. government
policy -- and don't think we're not watching, Fancy-Boy!

Caution: Removal process may involve painful yanking of pubic hair.

Not to be taken internally unless filled with cocaine.

Surgeon General Warning: Cigarette smoking after use of this product has
been found to cause cancer in happy, sexually satisfied laboratory animals.

Weetie of dit waar is nie...

Op Kirkwood, 'n plattelandse dorpie, waar die inwoners hoofsaaklik Afrikaans
magtig is en gedurende 'n wintermaand toe verkoue erg in die omloop was,
was die predikant baie omgekrap dat sy aandag gedurende eredienste
onderbreek word deur gemeentelede se hoesbuie. Hy bespreek toe die probleem
om 'n oplossing te vind met sy koster wat Engelssprekend is.

Die koster gaan koop toe 'n groot bottel hoesstroop by die apteek. Die
volgendeSondag as iemand hoes, staan die koster op en gaan gee vir die
persoon 'n lepel hoesstroop in en sê vir hom iets in sy oor waarna die persoon
opstaan en uit loop. So hou dit aan en die kerk is later byna leeg.

Na die diens vra die dominee vir die koster wat hy dan vir die mense gesê het
dat hy later vir 'n byna leë kerk moes preek. Die koster sê hy het net vir hulle
gesê, "For cough".

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